My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. -Psalm 73:26

Journey, ko

When I was about to graduate grade 4 my mom asked me if I wanted to study in Singapore and without thinking of the pros and cons I immediately said yes! My mom applied me for a student pass with is usually pricier than having a ” PR” as a student. I was enrolled to a school called Dazhong Primary School. I remember vividly that I during my first day of school as I was walking up the stairs to our hall for assembly I felt so nervous to a point that I couldn’t talk.My classmates started talking to me in Malay as they taught that I looked like a Malaysian.But as I attend that school more I did gain friends who taught were real to me but ends up that they were also the one who were back stabbing me.They are usually talking in their own language while looking at me and laugh unconsciously at me. I’ve been called names and I’ve been criticise for my looks. I’ve been left hanging and I’ve been always replaced.I was raised by my parent to respect every race without criticism. May you be white, black or tan, thick, thin, tall, or short I don’t care just as long as you’re not hurting nobody but what I’ve experienced was something I never wanted nor I want anybody else to experience it was tough and I’m glad I got through it. Looking back, all I want to do is laugh because it was all very childish and innocent days that I wished I never cared for at all.



Two years has past since I move in in my new school and  here’s my friend Daphnie we shared a lot of time together and she is soooo fun to be with.If you couldn’t notice, she’s a Filipino as well so we’ve become close friend and after school we often go out and film challenges and laugh at ourselves.Our friendship started with my other classmate who happens to be a filipino as well, so he introduced me to Daphnie and from that day onwards I got myself a Best Friend yay!


When I graduated grade six my parents couldn’t afford the education in Singapore anymore, We applied for a “PR” multiple of times but it was always denied. Studying in Singapore with a “Student Pass” is much pricier than studying with a “PR” so I personally told them that I would want to transfer to la salle, but unfortunately I graduated in Singapore in the 3 quarter class here in the Philippines so la salle wanted me to join the grade six classes instead of the grade seven classes.So we went and look for another school that would accept me as a grade seven student considering I’m very late for the enrolment.There we found Opendoor Christian Academy School where they truly open their doors for me.




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