“I think there is beauty in everything. What ‘normal’ people perceive as ugly, I can usually see something of beauty in it.”—Alexander McQueen

ko, Travel

One of the things that makes me really happy is travelling. Not only do I get to experience new things and gain knowledge about different places but I also get to spent those times with my family.It is those where I feel life is truly worth living. Seeing God’s creation makes me question my stay here in this world being able to taste new food that gives your taste a new palette to look forward to.Travelling for me is a getaway from all stress, sleepless nights and work and that’s why I love it.Those are the times where forget all my worries of failing or disappointing someone.Even just the taught of going somewhere where no one knows you is like a way that I can express myself and not care for getting judge.


Travelling is also my chance to express myself through clothes.Those are the only moments I really tried to look good for once because having to experience something that you might not get to experience again after is worth dressing up for.